• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Kerbal Space Program Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2019

    Kerbal Space Program Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2019

    Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2019

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:38 AM PST

    Voting ends on the 5th of January

    Goodday beloved redditors!

    Just like last year, we're taking part in the Best of Reddit! The idea is that you can vote on your favorite posts and comments of the year. If your favorite posts/comments aren't already nominated, you can nominate them yourself.


    These are the categories that we're focusing on. If you've got other suggestions, please send a modmail.

    • Most Helpful Redditor
    • Best Explosion/Disaster
    • Best Creation
    • Best Fan Art
    • Most Impressive Mission
    • Best Aircraft
    • Best Spaceship
    • Most Absurd Working Creation


    1. No top-level comments! Please reply to the discussion comment to keep things clean.
    2. A post can only be nominated once per category.
    3. All nominations must contain a link to a corresponding reddit post.
    4. Only posts submitted in 2019 may be nominated.
    5. Nominating one of your own posts is not allowed.

    The Prizes

    The winner of each category will receive one month of Reddit Premium!

    Voting ends on the 5th of January

    submitted by /u/Redbiertje
    [link] [comments]

    My KerbalController!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:34 AM PST

    I made a simple Corellian Corvette remake. Not too fancy but it's fun!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:51 PM PST

    3km Elevator Tower

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:34 AM PST

    An Evening Flight

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Successfully landed at the North Pole!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    My first ever launch into space (ima new player btw)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    Recreated The Hermes from The Martian movie! (will post more pics if requested)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    300+hours in, 5hrs+ Mission, finally finish the 13 Kerbal Mun base contract

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    Finally ready for my North Pole excursion... the ramp was a pain in the ass to build

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:02 PM PST

    By far my most ambitious science base to date in career mode! Spent almost 4 hours building it in the VAB, and could only lift it with 2.5m parts as that was all I had unlocked.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:39 PM PST

    It CAN go to Minmus!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    This is the stupidest and longest flying plane i've ever made (110m long ,48m wide and a mass of 740t)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    Kerbin from the South Pole during the Artemis 3 Mission

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:33 PM PST

    Sent a drone over to pick up Jeb and Bob

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    Ready to launch

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:26 AM PST

    Testing SSTO tech and touring Kerbin for easter eggs, first time I've ever really explored the home planet!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Didn't realize the Mobile Processing Lab didn't have any command control, and the tourists took the probe and docking ports when they launched. Problem solved I'd say.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Eve landers are a path to abilities that some consider to be unnatural.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Completed SpaceLab

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:26 PM PST

    I really love this design! It´s able to deorbit and redock with the "booster-unit".

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    The closest a dumb idiot with no planning or strategy whatsoever can get to the Mun, (A.k.a. me)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:56 PM PST

    OMW to go drone strike a village

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:45 PM PST

    Viva La Kerbin. Kebrfierld tower

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:23 AM PST

    preparing for the new year eve above eve clouds. mission video coming soon.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

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