• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Kerbal Space Program Custom Payload bay door

    Kerbal Space Program Custom Payload bay door

    Custom Payload bay door

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:05 AM PST


    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:36 AM PST

    Space Seal

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:29 AM PST

    I see your KerbalController and raise you my "Poor man's KerbalController"

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:49 PM PST

    An invention nobody asked for: a Gimballed Reliant

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:20 PM PST

    Docking Hatch

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

    I'm having one of those holy crap it actually worked moments. A very rough copy of the old LTV XC-142

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    I love kerbal attachment system

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:04 AM PST

    Lol its real

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST

    XC-142 Conducting Cargo Drop Testing

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:33 PM PST

    Bill has a close one

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    A bit late to the party but I made a Cybertruck - Workshop link in comments if anyone wants it

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Keeping the Jerrys out of the Channel

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Mir with Kvant 1. Jeb, Bill, and Bob landed at home

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:37 PM PST

    A Different Approach to SSTO Design

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:30 PM PST

    Murica! All stock aside from the flag decals

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:07 AM PST

    The biggest rocket I have ever made. It doesn't quite fit in the hanger. Mars direct landing/return mission in Realism Overhaul. No refueling. 20 times bigger than the Saturn V. Going to hit spacebar now :o Wish me luck and pray for my fps.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:33 PM PST

    Landed on Laythe for the first time. This was the first step to getting a station there.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:48 PM PST

    My 2nd Mun landing in years. This is the day to remember.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    The new truck simulator dlc is awesome!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Do I have enough deltav to return to Kerbin(optimally)? No mods

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:36 PM PST

    And I was wondering why my new SSTA was flipping like a mofo in Laythe's atmo when I was down to 600 units of fuel ...

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Are spaceplane family pictures still relevant?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:13 AM PST

    I made some Kerbin wallpaper/art from my in-game screenshot!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

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