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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Kerbal Space Program Activating landing mode!

    Kerbal Space Program Activating landing mode!

    Activating landing mode!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I think I seriously misunderstood the idea of a "spaceplane"

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Any challenge takers?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:34 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I know this is not original but I made little 3D-Peknted, KSP-inspired rocket parts

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    My patented ssto launch system

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    An interesting title

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Sunbathing Jagdpanther

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Tried to make something based on the Hermes from The Martian

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    New 3D footage for my Twitch loading screen with a Mercury capsule. Thanks to CobaltWolf and BDB Team for great stuff.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    My first successful Laythe rover (first one ended up in the ocean)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Vasto's Desolate Plains

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Career mode intimidated me

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I have definetely been missing out, Ive been playing KSP for a long time now and i always played science and sandbox mode. I thought about playing career, but the contracts scared me because i felt like i wouldnt know how to do the more complex ones. I finally tried career, and god i love it, i never knew it would make my ship design so much more creative. Im sad that it took me so long to finally try it.

    submitted by /u/yegir
    [link] [comments]

    I like my rockets short and fat

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Jeb takes his T-Rex out for a wal... flight.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Was testing out my starship prototype, and accidentally launched into a 2k intercept with my space station (still under construction). I didn't actually realize how big this thing was until I actually got up next to it.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Made it all the way to Mars, and in my infinite wisdom, forgot a decoupler on my descent craft.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I FINALLY DID IT!!!!! (I landed on the Mun, He is in fact T-posing.)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    First mün mission in science mode and almost ended in disaster but I got Jen home and wasn’t expecting this

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    KSC is hard at work while the vets establish a Duna relay network, Return to Duna Pt4.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

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