• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Kerbal Space Program Thank you turbulence, very cool.

    Kerbal Space Program Thank you turbulence, very cool.

    Thank you turbulence, very cool.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:17 PM PST

    "A one blade Helicopter would be Impossible," they said, "The center of mass wouldn't work," they said

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Operation minty mining is in full swing.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:16 PM PST

    All of the ships that I have either built or overhauled in the past month.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST


    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:52 PM PST

    How big will you be able to build in KSP2? A game theory

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    How big will you be able to build in KSP2? A game theory

    I don't know if there are official answers to this, I just thought it'd be fun to so some of my own research.

    So, I recently found a compilation of released pre-alpha footage for KSP2 (here's the link) and I took the opportunity to look a little closer at some of the new parts that are going to be added. And it got me thinking, just what is the scale of those huge interstellar engines they showcased? Here is my estimate.

    At about 3:10 in the video, a craft is shown orbiting an unknown planet (that I assume to be "Ovin," the super-earth planet mentioned on KSP's website.) What was notable about this clip is that we see some familiar parts: a cupola module stacked on top of two (old) 2.5m monoprop tanks. But behind these is a new part, which looks to me like some sort of extra-large command center. Using the 2.5m parts as reference, I estimate it to be between 5 and 7.5 meters in diameter.

    While it's nice to see that there will be some more variety in the crewed parts in KSP2, what I want to know is the size of the massive fusion engine showcased in the trailer. Luckily, earlier in the video (at about 1:50,) we are not only shown a side-profile of an interstellar ship using the fusion drive, but also a close-up showing the same large command module I talked about earlier. So, using the power of pixel measurements, we can deduce the approximate size of several of the new parts.

    My work in visual form. For scale, a Kerbal would be less than 2px tall in the bottom image. 5m estimate used, so measurements may be on the small side.

    So, I suppose the scale of the engine shown in the trailer with the two Kerbals floating next to it was accurate. I hope you've enjoyed this journey, and hopefully, when KSP2 releases, we'll see how accurate I was.

    submitted by /u/DBGhasts101
    [link] [comments]

    My interplanetary Laythe ship infographic, inspired by Raptor9

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    KISS completed

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Doing some science on Duna

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    kOS escape pod test (Suicide burn)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:20 AM PST

    6 years ago what I expected from a game changed forever.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:11 PM PST


    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:42 PM PST

    It took !EIGHT YEARS! but I finally got some Kerbals into orbit of another planet

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:37 PM PST

    My first landing at Laythe.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    I added mining bases to this moon...

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    The Kraken Slayer is complete!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Function Over Form

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Training vessel Vibe Master (small ship) alongside the capital ship Envoy (huge ship)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST


    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:07 AM PST

    My 1st post here! Also 1st attempt on electric plane:)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    The Forcecaster III A dockable nuclear engine array for super long distance travel.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Operation : Bring the pretty rock home!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Successfully flew two planes at the same time. Decided to make a short with the clips. Enjoy "The Snack Debacle"

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

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