• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Kerbal Space Program Slave I (100% stock)

    Kerbal Space Program Slave I (100% stock)

    Slave I (100% stock)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    The apex predator.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Main Engines Start

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    The real apex predator.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Liftoff from Duna Mobile Base Gamma.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    The supersonic kite

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    More mechs.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I tought it looked pretty cool so im gonna share it with you guys

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Ksp animation i made, i know its pretty bad

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Testing continues in KSP 1.9.1 , currently modding some sound files in ReStock Plus , EVE ,Scatterer , TU TUFX and my own Extra Visual Mod .

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Oh, you're approaching me?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Haha, C-RAMs go brrrrrrrrr (tried to make a counter missile system, ~50% success rate)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I just got KSP and was surprised I couldn't find any good resources that compiled all the parameters needed for trajectory calculations into one place, so I made my own! Here is my ultimate resource for KSP orbital parameters (spreadsheet in comments).

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    First Duna landing (and also first interplanetary mission.) This time I didn't over engineer the rocket. And also got back to Kerbin safely.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    The NVG (Not-Very-Good) Rocket Launcher!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Performing my first booster landing!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I worked so much on this thing and I can barely get it to lift itself up. Building a 6 legged mech is quite hard .

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    You ever fucked up so bad you end up at the bottom of the ocean?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Bill and Bob moved to the mun, thanks to my ludicrously overbuilt rocket.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    My asteroid station is complete! And yes, everything is docked together. Not like Matt's asteroid station.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Single launch moon base

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    [RSS] Just updated KSP with RSS and all ~70 mods from 1.6.1 to 1.8.1 and had (surprisingly) no issues migrating the savegames - more pictures in comments

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    View from my new space station

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    my first surface base. im kinda proud of it

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

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