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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Kerbal Space Program One fat shark

    Kerbal Space Program One fat shark

    One fat shark

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Blue 00 nuclear spaceplane

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Loading up the crew for the test run.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Ah yes my favorite crew member

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    An Interesting Test - Docking Port Force Overwhelms Rotor Torque

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I DID IT, I LANDED ON THE MUN LEGITLY FOR THE FIRST TIME!! although, how am i gonna get back....

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    First successful Mun Landing, and I even managed to get back! After 80 hours of ksp!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Asami, Bolin, and Mako on a flight around the KSC

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Kerbin has acquired a 3rd moon. But without my intervention somehow. I did not touch that asteroid.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    So, I encountered this while recruiting:

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    working turbo prop

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    First Mun Landing!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    A new home for kerbals in orbit

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT


    Hi everyone! Today i got my first successful Mun landing!

    Here's how it went:

    I landed, EVA'd a kerbal (There were 2 pilots and an engineer i think but i don't remember the names), planted a flag and took a soil sample and returned to te ship, then i EVA'd another one to go explore a bit and come back.

    My ship and a kerbal

    I was also streaming that in discord (Btw i had very little fuel) so i think i pressed Shift or Z because when i came back to the game the ship was flying! it was like 100m from the ground but the engine was turned off... i thought "Well, there's no propulsion going on and i had little fuel left so this accident made me without any fuel..." and i checked, i was right, NO MORE FUEL! So i thought: "If there's no more fuel then i can't minimize the damage when i hit the ground" there was no option. i let the craft crash to the ground... THE SHIP DIDN'T EXPLODE!

    the ship bounced 2 times before it turned.

    Turned ship

    There was no more monopropelant gas left so the ship had to stay like that.
    At least the kerbals are normal right? W R O N G.

    The exit was facing down! The kerbals are stuck there...

    And that's why I'm trying to make a rescue ship!

    Thanks you SO MUCH for reading and I'll see you around!

    submitted by /u/Jesusterceiro
    [link] [comments]

    First time ever putting Kerbals in orbit using RSS+RO

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    my brand new interkosmos relay network in Geostationary kerbin orbit

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    My MiG lineup so far, (from left to right) MiG 15, 17, 19, 21

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Time to send Kerbals to Laythe after multiple tests wity a unmaned version of the ship now is time to make Kerbal history

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    The best view Jeb has ever seen! Im not counting the explosions by the way.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Family portrait of the first surface expedition to Duna! Second pic is The Sojourner still in orbit with the remaining 4 Kerbals awaiting their turn.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    "Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly"

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    One of the best view in the kerbol system.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Just did my first trip to Jool, Tyrol and Layeth! Definitely my most ambitious mission yet!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I posted this in r/KerbalAcademy as well, but I figured this would be appreciated here as well. I finally learned how to calculate my own Delta V. Then I used to find the Delta V of a fictional rocket, the Hoover Mk2! KSP just got very interesting...

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Atlas Stage-1/2 in-flight skirt separation test - from my YouTube series

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

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