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    Saturday, April 3, 2021

    Kerbal Space Program My Jool relay

    Kerbal Space Program My Jool relay

    My Jool relay

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    mods are asleep, post rocket league

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    Todays flight (followed by a crash due to asymmetric airbrakes) made me wonder: what is the SMALLEST body of water on Kerbin?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    taco bell bathroom (real footage)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    NASA's Constellation NTR Asteroid Survey Mission 2028

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Here is a trailer for my newest mod, which adds surface base parts, an MMSEV rover, and wind turbines!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I think I just made the biggest passenger aircraft in ksp (carries 8352 kerbals)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    The nut is a pathway to a number of rpm some people would consider to be... unnatural

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Turning down the friction setting on landing gear + powerful RCS = Spaceplane drifting

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    How Not to Land a Starship

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Well, sh*t. Crash Landing at duna? Ok not the worst thing. One of the two Solar panels destroyed? Ok you can just fi- No repair kits.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    When you want an air-to-air fighter but you're on a budget.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    I present the most accurate stock EA-6B Prowler Cockpit in KSP to date

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    Just some screenshots I took while setting up my surveyor satellite on Laythe

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    One art every day until KSP2 comes out [84] Weekly comic 12: What do you mean, "deep sea"?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    After over 1700 hours, and multiple career playthroughs, I finally decided to land a plane on Eve.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Magic - the rocket is a lie

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    This was an actual concept in 1965 on how to recover and reuse a Saturn V first stage. Details in comment

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    K.E.R.B.S.I.D.E. (or Kerbin Sphere of Influence Debris Extractor) demonstrating removal of spent stages in low Kerbin orbit.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    Eat your heart out Werner Von Braun

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Third launch of my kerbal space shuttle, it get on orbit with no problems, destroyed while reentry on kerbin atmosphere.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Electric Boogaloo Flyer - Fuel Cell Edition

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    a creative way to enter larger planes I made

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Mun Base Exodus

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Finally set up shop on Minmus!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:43 AM PDT

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