• Breaking News

    Monday, December 28, 2020

    Kerbal Space Program Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2020

    Kerbal Space Program Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2020

    Best of /r/KerbalSpaceProgram 2020

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Voting ends on the 10th of January

    Good day beloved redditors!

    Just like last year, we're taking part in the Best of Reddit! The idea is that you can vote on your favorite posts and comments of the year. If your favorite posts/comments aren't already nominated, you can nominate them yourself.


    These are the categories that we're focusing on. If you've got other suggestions, please send a modmail.

    • Most Helpful Redditor
    • Best Explosion/Disaster
    • Best Creation
    • Best Fan Art
    • Most Impressive Mission
    • Best Aircraft
    • Best Spacecraft
    • Most Absurd Working Creation


    1. No top-level comments! Please reply to the discussion comment to keep things clean.
    2. A post can only be nominated once per category.
    3. All nominations must contain a link to a corresponding reddit post.
    4. Only posts submitted in 2020 may be nominated.
    5. Nominating one of your own posts is not allowed.

    The Prizes

    The winner of each category will receive one month of Reddit Premium!

    Voting ends on the 10th of January

    submitted by /u/Redbiertje
    [link] [comments]

    Still love me some tail-sitter/rocket SSTOs!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    This Kerbal must be astronomically high to find this funny!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:12 AM PST

    My 9 year old daughter is going through the training...I think she has the right outlook for this game...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:27 PM PST

    Better effect... (Missile Test 2)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Fun fact: the mk1 parachute models haven't changed since 0.7.3

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    after about 140 hours of playing KSP on steam shared library, i got it for myself with DLC in the steam sale today

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:30 AM PST

    You know nothing...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Deploying a small unmanned Mun rover

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Well, technically it did land… just not in one piece.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:42 PM PST

    *sovietwave intensifies*

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Have you ever wanted to travel to Minmus in luxury? Hurry to your local steam shop to find out how!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Just finished my brand new space station!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Ok so... How am I supposed to rescue a Planet from its moon orbit? Jokes aside, didn't know that Kerbin was a possible name!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:35 AM PST

    First time on Duna and barely made it back home safely

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I made a Laythe ocean base inspired by Matt Lowne

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Stock Falcon 9/Dragon2

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Fleet Admiral Jebediah enjoying his time on his newest battleship carrier. Unfortunately, neither him nor his seat is high enough to clear the railings for a clear view of the ocean.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:21 AM PST

    Close Encounters of the Kerbal Kind.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:18 AM PST

    I just landed my falcon 9 clone on the mun!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Koviet Mün lander.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST


    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:14 AM PST

    Just captured my favorite screenshot in KSP GPP - Tarsiss, Catullus, and Gauss all in a line

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:11 PM PST

    With the help of Kerbal Academy, I made it to the Mun's orbit. I'm back safely on Kerbin. What a day!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:14 PM PST

    The Enterprise came back from Duna!!! :)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

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